During a recent spring clean, I stumbled across my copy of ‘Auditions: A Practical Guide’. This helpful book is penned by Casting Director, Richard Evans (www.evanscasting.co.uk). If you can find it online or in a bookstore, I’d recommend giving it a read! But in the meantime, here are ten tips to help you on your acting family.
1 “It will greatly help to make auditions just a normal part of life – like cleaning the fridge or walking the dog – rather than the be-all and end-all of your week.”
2 “Be aware of your weaker points, noting areas that need improvement and work on putting these improvements into practice for future occasions.”
3 “The director often doesn’t know what they want until that person walks through the door.”
4 “Creatives are human too and have good and bad days. Some days they are easy to please, others incredibly difficult.”
5 “Whatever you do, don’t make excuses about your lack of preparation or the shortness of time that you have had the information.”
6 “If someone else is reading with you, always respond and react to what they are saying – this is one of the great secrets of acting, yet one that many actors, even those with years of experience sometimes forget in the heat of a casting – your reactions may often be more important than the lines you actually say.”
7 “Wearing the same outfit if you are recalled will help to remind the panel of you, so make sure it is clean and well-pressed after your first audition, just in case.”
8 “However you think things have gone, always keep positive throughout the audition and after you have left the room, as there is no point in letting people know that you feel you’ve done badly.”
9 “Whether you got the job or not, it is a nice idea to send whoever got you in for the audition a card to thank them for seeing you.”
10 “So be patient, never give up hope or stop believing that whatever you want will happen and it will, when the time is right.”
If you’re in need of Extras, Actors, or Models for your next Creative or Commercial Project, get in touch. We’d love to help. Simply email info@castingireland.ie or call us on (01) 634 3112.