7 Tips for a Top Acting CV

By Aislinn Ní Uallacháin

It may seem contradictory, but to have a successful career in performance, it’s not enough to be a great performer. In addition to wonderful headshots and fabulous samples of your work, your CV is vital to demonstrating just how skilled you are. Here are 7 tips to make your CV stand out!

1 Presentation
In any industry, it’s important to have a clean, clear, nicely formatted CV, free of spelling mistakes. This is a Casting Agent’s first impression of you, so give off an air of professionalism. I would highly recommend websites like Canva to construct your CV. It’s free to use (with a monthly fee for additional features) and you can access hundreds of CV / resume templates. Try keep it to one page and show off your career highlights.

Before sending on your CV, ensure you convert it to a PDF. If you send a Word document, for example, the person on the other end may not have the Word app on their device. As a result, the formatting could be compromised. If you’ve invested time in making your CV look great, you want to be sure the Casting Agent is seeing the best version of it – so PDF is your safest bet. Also, be sure to label it clearly and succinctly, e.g., John_Smith_Actor_CV_2021. That way, it looks professional and likely won’t need to be renamed by the recipient.

3 Links
If including links on your CV – for example, a link to your website, IMDB, or showreel – pop them at the top. Front and centre! Always include them in your CV, rather than exclusively in the body of your email. That way, they won’t get lost. Then, all that’s left to do is double check all links are working properly.

4 Headshot
Make sure you include your headshot at the top of your CV and not as an email attachment. Again, attachments and links can get separated, so you want the Casting Agent to have all your information in one place.

5 Training
Once you’ve outlined your personal information, e.g., playing age, height, location, list any training you have. Training can be really impressive to Casting Agents as it demonstrates dedication to your craft. If you are just starting out and don’t have many credits to your name, training can override that. Include the name of the organisation, the title of the course or certification, along with the teachers that coached you. Highlight the skills you mastered while taking the course, such as improv, character analysis, interpretive dance, and vocal control. If you’ve won any awards, don’t be shy! Shout it from the rooftops.

6 Credits
In most industries, you would list past experience chronologically, allowing employers to assess where you worked, when, and for how long. They may be on the lookout for job hopping or gaps in your career. This is not the case for a performance CV. The Casting Agent wants to see what you’ve worked on, your role, and the production company / director involved. My advice is to put your most impressive credits at the top and work your way down. You can list them or put them in a grid, whichever you prefer. You can also divide your credits up into Screen / Stage / Commercial. The important thing is that you give the Casting Agent your highlights.

7 Skills
Finally, be sure to include your skills (and level of competence) – for example, Singing (Advanced Soprano), Guitar (Beginner), Italian (Native, Fluent). Then, think about other skills that make you special. Are you good with animals? Have you worked in a bar? Can you solve a Rubik’s Cube really quickly? Add in any additional specialties, including other jobs you’ve undertaken, such as nurse, retail, teaching, admin. You just never know what someone might be looking for!

If you’re in need of Extras, Actors, or Models for your next Creative or Commercial Project, get in touch. We’d love to help. Simply email info@castingireland.ie or call us on (01) 634 3112.


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