5 Tips for Your First Time on Set

By Alexia Macari-Skelly
Casting Assistant @ www.extrasireland.com

At Extras Ireland, we’re delighted to work with Extras, Actors and Models of all levels of experience – from those just starting out in the industry to seasoned pros. For those starting out, I know your first time on set can be both exciting and nerve-wracking! Talent often ask questions about what it’s going to be like and what they should expect. Although every experience is different depending on the project, there are a lot of commonalities. These are just some of the questions I’m often asked here at Extras Ireland and the answers to them – I hope they help you!

What will happen when I arrive on set?
Before going out on set we’ll provide you with a POC or Point of Contact – they will meet you and look after you for the day. You’ll be checked for wardrobe and make-up and the Director will explain to you what you are required to do before the filming starts. Then away you go!

What do I wear?
Wardrobe will always be discussed prior to you going out on set. Sometimes production will provide wardrobe for you and sometimes they’ll ask you to bring your own clothes. If asked to bring your own, production will always specify what they’d like you to wear. It might be very specific eg. black trousers, white t-shirt or it could be more general such as ‘Day wear’ or ‘Formal wear’ or ‘Dressy-casual’. Do your best to match the description and bring some options to choose from. If you’re unsure of what you need to bring, never be afraid to ask. General advice would be to stay away from bold patterns and colours and brands / logos.

How do I make a good impression?
Lots of people ask about decorum. It can be intimidating being on set for the first time, especially on the bigger productions with a large cast and crew. One thing is to always be on time – 15 minutes early is ideal – and don’t forget to put your phone on silent. You always want to make a good impression and the best way to do that is to treat it like any other work. Respect staff, always be open to direction, if you are unsure of something, ask (not while rolling of course) and just do your best. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake – it’s all part of learning.

What will happen afterwards?
After filming, myself or Aislinn will be in touch to see how you got on and to arrange payment for you. We always follow up with production to see how you got on as well so we can give you some lovely feedback! Depending on the project, a couple of weeks post-shoot we might start to see the finished work emerging online or on TV which is always very exciting.

Anything else I should remember?
The most important thing is to go out and enjoy yourself – not everyone gets the chance to work on a set so make the most of it. However big or small your role is, you play an important part in the project, otherwise production wouldn’t have booked you. So be proud of your work as experience is priceless.

If you’re in need of Extras, Actors or Models for your next Creative or Commercial Project, get in touch. We’d love to help. Simply email info@extrasireland.com or call us on (01) 634 3112 and let’s see how we can collaborate.


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