By Aislinn Ní Uallacháin

1. Get a Life!
Being an Actor can be tough. It requires dedication. But don’t let it dictate your entire life. When I was acting, I’d rarely go on holiday in case a job came up, only took classes that would look good on my CV, and had a tendency to put acting before my family, friends, and personal life. It’s easy to get so swept up in the world of acting that it becomes your identity. Remember that being an actor is only one part of who you are. Look elsewhere for happiness and fulfilment, too!

2. Do You Fit In?
It can be disheartening when an audition doesn’t go your way, especially when you thought you performed well. If you don’t get a role, it’s not necessarily because you didn’t do a good job (though we all have our off-days!). Put yourself in the shoes of a Writer / Director / Producer who has been working on this project for weeks, months, maybe even years. It’s their baby and they want to ensure the Actors they choose fit the world they’re trying to create. It’s like a big puzzle. Sometimes you just don’t fit. And that’s ok!

3. Bring us on a Journey.
I receive a lot of self-tapes from Actors. Some for a particular job, some in place of a showreel. A mistake people make (especially when starting out) is to choose a highly emotional scenes. They’re eager to show off a powerful performance, so may gravitate towards performances that involve crying or shouting. Instead, try showing more of your range. Bring the character and the audience on a journey. Keep us on our toes!

4. Do Your Own Thing.
In my experience, it can be a little overwhelming if another Actor is chatting to you before an audition. Some people are happy to chat in the waiting room, but don’t feel like you have to partake, even if it’s an Actor you know. If you’d rather focus on your methods or lines for the audition, don’t be afraid to tell them. They’ll understand. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries for fear of seeming rude.

5. It’s Who You Know.
If I was a filmmaker had a positive experience with an Actor, why wouldn’t I hire them again? I know they’ll learn their lines, will arrive on time, and I’ll enjoy working with them. Would you hire the same electrician again if they did a good job? Of course. Try not to get frustrated when Actors get hired by someone they know – they’ve worked hard to be re-hired. Someday, the same thing will happen for you!
If you’re in need of Cast for your next Production, get in touch. We’d love to help. Simply email or call us on (01) 634 3112.