Terms of business for clients

Please read the below agreement prior to entering into business with Casting Ireland. By continuing with the Talent Recruitment process, you are acknowledging that you have read and agreed to the terms outlines below.

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the services of Production Operations DAC T/A Casting Ireland. Should you decide to use the services of Casting Ireland (CI), our normal terms of business are as follows: 

CI will be acting for your Company (hereafter known as ‘the Company’) and will use its best endeavours to provide appropriate Actors, Models, or other Talent according to the Company needs. 


The Work

The Company agrees to provide temporary Actors, Models, Extras or other Talent with: 
-All the necessary facilities for the performance of their duties.
-Adequate supervision and assistance to ensure that the person is able to perform their duties to the minimum satisfaction of the Company
-A safe working environment
-Sufficient training necessary for the Company’s workplace or shoot location 

The Company agrees to provide and maintain, for the duration of this agreement, all appropriate policies of insurance, including public liability, and employer’s liability, in respect of persons supplied by the agency and will furnish copies thereof to CI on request. 

Persons supplied by CI are under the supervision, direction, and control of the Company. 

The Company is also responsible for any and all obligations imposed by law concerning the health and safety of all Actors, Models, Background Actors, or other Talent booked through CI. 

The Company acknowledges and agrees that, where the terms and conditions of employment are governed by any State or Employment law, award, industrial instrument, or workplace agreement, the provisions of the law, award, industrial instrument, or workplace agreement shall apply. 

The Company further acknowledges and agrees that minimum rates of pay, meal allowances, and overtime, as amended from time to time by any award or industrial instrument will be passed on to the Company. 

CI will use its best endeavours to ensure the suitability of the Actors, Models, or other Talent, and to maintain high standards of integrity and reliability on behalf of the Company. 

CI will not be responsible for acts and omissions of any such person whether wilful, negligent, or otherwise. 

 The Company agrees that its authorised representative will be responsible for signing all contracts and timesheets of the Actors, Models, Background Actors, or other Talent and that CI shall not be liable for any errors contained therein. 


Payment to Talent

CI will be responsible for the payment of all wages and other remuneration payable to temporary/casual staff, as well as other employment expenses. 

CI will ensure compliance for the Company with employment and revenue obligations and agrees to be responsible for making all lawful deductions in respect of Income Tax and PRSI or similar deductions. 

CI undertakes to transmit such deductions to the relevant authorities.


Payment to Casting Ireland

In consideration of the services provided by CI in accordance with this Agreement, the Company agrees to pay CI a fee equivalent to the quoted hourly/daily rate for the engagement or services provided by temporary Actors, Models, or other Talent or Talent. 

The quoted hourly/daily rate will be confirmed by CI at the time the Company makes a booking for Actors, Models, Background Actors, or other Talent, dependent on the staff required. 

CI will invoice the Company and the Company agrees to pay all invoices within 30 days of the date of the invoice.

The Company shall be liable for any expense properly vouched and incurred by the Actor, Model, Background Actor, or other Talent during the course of their engagement, and in particular, the Company shall be responsible for the provision of transport for the Actor, Model, Background Actor, or other Talent if that person is required to work outside normal public transport hours or if they are required to travel to a county/remote location in which they do not live in.

If the role of the Talent changes or evolves while on set (for example, from Background Extra to Featured Extra), the Company agrees to revisit the initial fees to the benefit of the Talent involved, whereby their payment is increased in order to ensure fair compensation.



While our Sourcing Services tend to be complementary, a Sourcing Fee may apply for specific requests where additional time or resources will be required to facilitate the request. This will be discussed prior to the booking.

To ensure compliance with Irish Employment and Revenue legislation, CI runs a fortnightly payroll, and all fees for Actors, Models, Background Actors or other Talent are processed through a PAYE system. Please note that all fees and charges are exclusive of VAT at 23%.

No rights exist for the use of footage/stills until full payment has been received by CI.



When quoting usage fees for Talent likeness, we do not quote in perpetuity as this may hinder future opportunities for our Talent.

Depending on the nature of the project, we may offer a one to five year usage period. Once this expires, either we will be in touch with your Team or you will need to contact us in order to renew your usage for a fee. This is also dependent on the consent of the Talent featured in the campaign.

It is the Company’s responsibility to adhere to the usage period laid out in the signed agreement. Once the stipulated usage period has come to an end, it is the Company’s responsibility to promptly remove any unauthorised stills or footage. These elements cannot be re-shared or re-promoted without prior notification to and written consent of Casting Ireland, and, by extension, the Talent involved.

If shooting a campaign for social media, we understand that content may stay online, i.e., lives in the back catalogue of the Company’s Instagram, Twitter (X) or TikTok feed, Facebook timeline, Snapchat history, or in the recesses of any other social platform. We will not request the Company removes legacy content, provided it is no longer actively promoted or shared past the agreed usage period.


Cancellation Policy

In the event of a confirmed booking that is subsequently cancelled, a cancellation fee may apply at the discretion of CI.

Please find the rates below:

Less than 24 hours notice: 50% of the total value of the contract
Less than 48 hours notice: 30% of the total value of the contract
Less than 72 hours notice: 20% of the total value of the contract


Recovery of Costs

If the Company fails to pay our fees and expenses, CI reserves the right to take what they would consider adequate action to recover our fees, expenses, and the costs of recovery, including legal action.


Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

CI acknowledges that all information directly relating to the Actors, Models, Background Actors, or other Talent and the Company that comes into CI’s possession during the term of this agreement, and as a consequence of the services performed by CI, is confidential and shall not be disclosed to third parties.

The Company acknowledges that all information directly relating to the Actors, Models, Background Extras, Featured Extras or other Talent that may come into the Company’s possession during the term of this agreement and as a consequence of the services performed by CI is confidential and shall not be disclosed to third parties.



CI makes no representations or warranties as to the suitability of the Actors, Models, or other Talents for engagement by the Company.

The Company acknowledges and agrees that the final decision to employ or otherwise engage with Actors, Models, or other Talent is the sole decision of the Company based wholly on the Company’s own inquiries, assessment, and judgment of the person.

The Company acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for the supervision, direction, management, care, and control of all Actors, Models, Background Actors, or other Talent from the time they arrive at the Company’s workplace/shoot location and for the duration of their engagement with the Company.

The Company further acknowledges and agrees that the Actors, Models, or other Talent is engaged at the sole risk of the Company and that CI shall not be liable to the Company for any loss, expense, delay, damage, injury, or death caused to any person or property howsoever caused by that person.

The Company shall fully indemnify CI in respect of any loss, damage, accident, or expense howsoever arising which is imposed on or otherwise incurred by CI in respect of any personal injury or damage to property or sustained by the Actor, Model, Background Actor, or Talent whilst in the engagement of the Company. 


Engagements of Casting Ireland

Should the Company wish to engage the services of CI, the Company may do so by signing agreeing to these Terms upon their request of Talent recruitment by CI.

CI will follow up with a bespoke version of this contract, addressed to the Company, either by email or by post, which they will need to sign and return prior to the Company’s shoot taking place.

CI will begin the work following the Company’s acceptance of this offer.

The Company will also signify its agreement to our Terms of Business by its continued instructions to us.


© Production Operations Limited 2024, all rights reserved. Copying, alteration or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited without written consent from Production Operations Limited. Copyright breaches will be legally pursued.